Tag Archives: Ibiza shopping

Creative shopping

Our wedding plans are coming along nicely and I’m soooo excited I could jump out of my skin!! We’re heading to Ibiza next week to finalise everything and meet with the wedding planner and florist. I will also be visiting my favourite shop Sluiz to pick up a few bits and bobs to help decorate our wedding space.  

Sluiz is more than just a shop it’s a creative destination that inspires and captures your imagination. The Dutch-owned shop specialises in decorative home-wear but also sells quirky books, clothing, jewellery and lingerie. It’s more like a lifestyle boutique with its very own restaurant, bar and art gallery. In the afternoons you can  catch DJs playing chill-out music while you have a mooch around. Now that is retail shopping at its best in my opinion! I love this concept of shopping and would like to do my own version in London…….hmmmm one can only dream x

Just to prove I was there.

This is retail heaven! I love how everything is stacked and organised by colour making it easy to find what you’re looking for.

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Filed under Art + Design, Shopping